How it Works


Both men and women suffer from hair loss. Hair falls out and regrows in a natural cycle, but some of us lose more hair than others. Our hair thins and baldness sets in. Why? The causes include genetics, different medications, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, stress and many more.

HaiRegen provides the hair with the healthy environment it needs in order to grow and restore your hair rapidly. How does this revolutionary change happen so fast? To understand how HaiRegen works, we must understand why and how hair is lost.

When genetics is the cause for the failure of hair growth mechanisms, the DHT hormone attacks the hair follicles and disrupts the normal cycle of hair renewal. When that happens, the blood vessels shrink and no longer feed the hair follicles properly. The skin on the scalp thins and loses its flexibility. The hair in your cycle shortens and the hair follicles are deactivated for long periods. As the follicle deactivation process progresses, it becomes irreversible and the follicles cannot grow hair anymore.

HaiRegen treats simultaneously in four different ways:


Zinc and Copper are known anti-androgens. To neutralise the DHT hormone, they are gently introduced into the scalp without any discomfort.


When the discs in the treatment head touch the scalp, they create thousands of pressure points that stimulate the skin on the scalp and that effect is multiplied by the gentle vibration generated by the treatment head.


The mechanical activities are further enhanced by the micro flows entering the scalp skin.


A low intensity cold laser beam is projected onto the scalp skin to speed up cell division and help achieve rapid hair restoration.

By combining all these activities, blood flow to the hair roots increases that stimulates the body to renew and rehabilitate the scalp skin and the blood vessels. Toxins are removed and the hair’s living environment improves.

Just a 5 minute treatment at home everyday will rehabilitate your hair. Previously inactive follicles will begin to grow hair. Slowly but surely, fine hair thickens and the natural normal healthy hair growth cycle is re-established. Hair growth rate speeds up, large wide partings narrow down, your hair looks healthier.

HaiRegen treats in four different ways simultaneously to ensure maximum hair renewal as fast as possible. The results speak for themselves.

For further information, please access the frequently asked questions section on our website.